DAT III: Draft

English, German, French and Russian lists

The lists were conceived for the third edition of the Dictionary on Archival Terminology of the ICA (International Council on Archives). The principle of the new edition of the Dictionary of ICA is to present terms and definitions in the five official languages of ICA. The lists are linked to each other by cross-references to make translations easier. 

The lists are made available for a first test.

The English list

The German list (Contains the same definitions as: A. Menne-Haritz, Schlüsselbegriffe der Archivterminologie, Marburg 1999)

La Liste Francaise 

The Russian list (not yet linked to the other lists. To view the fonds correctly please switch you browser to "cyrrilic windows")

Spanish List (will follow - see spanish translations in the other lists) 


How to use the lists?

All  lists are texts. They can be used separatley. Each list contains about 300 terms each of the respective archival languages with definitions in the same language and either equivalents or translations (in brackets) to  the other  languages. The equivalents are part of  lists in the respective language. The internal links bring you to similar or opposite terms. The external references are clickable and allow you to navigate between the different lists.


The  members of the project-group on Terminology

For the English list: Ishbel BARNES, Edinburgh ; Lynn L. CARLIN, Washington; for the French list: Philippe CHARON, Paris, and for the spanish List: Concepcion CONTEL, Madrid, Rosanna DE ANDRES DIAZ, Madrid, for the German list: Angelika MENNE-HARITZ .

Please note that this page ist not supported or updated anymore.


Last changes: 28. November 2004.